With an air temperature of @###.# degrees @<<<<<<<<<< a wet-bulb temperature $wetbulb{airtemp} $wetbulb{corf2} of @###.# degrees @<<<<<<<<<< and a station pressure of @###.## $wetbulb{wettemp} $wetbulb{corf1} $wetbulb{press} @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<: $wetbulb{mborin} . $~ = WETBULB1; write; format WETBULB1 =
You have a relative humidity of @##.# percent and a dewpoint of $rh . if ($wetbulb{corf2} eq Fahrenheit) { $dewpoint1 = (9/5*$dewpoint) + 32; $~ = WETBULB2; write; format WETBULB2 = @###.# degrees Fahrenheit. $dewpoint1 . } else { $~ = WETBULB3; write; format WETBULB3 = @###.# degrees Celsius. $dewpoint . } if ($wetbulb{wettemp} > $wetbulb{airtemp}) { print "
The wet-bulb temperature is greater than the air temperature, this only rarely occurs in the atmosphere. You may want to go back and double check your entries.
"; }